Posted from: Just to make you Think

This blog is designed to make you think. Also to encourage, exhort, edify and warn the saints of God as we see the day of  The Lord on the horizon.


Another Lie Via God-less TV



When Mike Bickle of IHOP speaks saints-don’t listen.

Just happened to catch a snippet from an e-mail I got from “God TV” (that’s a joke-it should be called God-less TV). These same people were the ones who broadcast Todd Bentley world wide to deceive thousands.

Photo shows Rory& Wendy Alec of God-less TV, with Mike Bickle at IHOP (International House of Prayer.)

He was telling all his large audience “Jesus will not come back until the church has shaken off the spirit of slumber, operates in the anointing of prayer and has a bridal identity”…now just where in scripture does he find that? While these things sound good, they are not truth, and we know a little leavens the whole lump. These teachings are so subtle, that the young and unlearned cannot distinguish truth from a lie.

Full Article here: