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NOTE: This article isn’t about whether the sign gifts are still in operation today, or if they ceased after the first century. That’s a separate discussion. My focus is on the context and meaning of a specific passage of Scripture that has been misinterpreted and erroneously applied. ~ SM

“Greater” Works Than These? 🤔

By Steven Mark

The context in which Yeshua-Jesus was teaching in John 14:12 was referring to the “quantity” of the works His followers would do after His departure — not the “Quality” of the works. The rest of the verse explains why: “Because I go to My Father.”

In other words, when Yeshua returned to His rightful place in Heaven, He would send the Holy Spirit to indwell His followers, to lead and guide them, and to remind them of the truth He had taught them. The Gospel would no longer be limited to the Jewish people within the borders of Israel, but would now be preached throughout the entire world.

To reiterate, when Yeshua was speaking of “greater” works, He meant quantitatively — not Qualitatively.

And when the topic of “greater” works comes up, I don’t pounce on the person who said it and immediately present the context in which Yeshua was speaking. There’s a much simpler way to respond, and it prompts the person to think about what they’re saying, which is always a good thing. I simply ask them, “What greater works has anyone ever done that were ‘greater’ than the works and miracles Yeshua did?” 🤔 (I’ve asked that question numerous times over the past 30 years and have yet to receive a reasonable answer.)

It’s also important to point out that people who claimed to know Yeshua did perform miracles in His name, but Yeshua told them He didn’t know them, to depart from Him, and called them workers of iniquity (i.e., those who “practice Lawlessness” and live contrary to His teachings.

(Matthew 7:21-29)

Regardless of which theological position you adhere to, one thing that all true followers of Jesus should agree on is that while the gifts of the spirit will eventually fade away, the Fruit of the Spirit will abide forever. And if authentically born again followers of Yeshua were producing the “Fruit of the Spirit” in their lives, the “gifts” would flow naturally and wouldn’t be a divisive issue in the Body.

Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, Faithfulness, and Self-control.

Those attributes lift up and build up one another without drawing unnecessary attention to ourselves.

Someone who manifests the fruit of the Spirit may also have spiritual gifts; but if the spiritual gifts aren’t accompanied by genuine fruit, we should stop and evaluate what’s being produced.

Most importantly, the gifts should always be used in humility before the Lord. (Something that is sorely lacking in the people I know who claim to speak in tongues, prophesy, have the gift of healing or any of the other gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians chapters 12 & 14.)

Theologically speaking, the Pentecostal and Charismatic

movements produce a lot of emotional heat, but very little light. And the gift that is most essential for the Church at large — the one that would produce unity instead of division — is the gift of DISCERNMENT.

Subjective feelings, experiences and personal anecdotes by definition are just that — subjective and experiential. And if personal experiences are contrary to, or go beyond the clear teachings of Scripture (which they often do), they should be rejected.

From a Messianic Jewish perspective, the “signs and wonders” during Shavuot/Pentecost in the first century had a dual purpose. It was a reversal of the curse at Babel; and the fulfillment of God’s promise to write His Law on circumcised hearts. (Ref. Deuteronomy 10:16, and 30:6; Jeremiah 4:4, 9:25-26, and 31:31-34; Ezekiel 11:19-20, and 36:24-27)

The parallels between the first Shavuot at Sinai, and the Shavuot of fulfillment in Jerusalem should not be missed. (Compare Exodus 20:18-21 and 32:28-29, to Acts 2:1-41*)

In a nutshell, God is glorified when we allow Him to produce the Fruit of His Spirit in the lives of His people. That’s a sign and a wonder that no one can deny or refute, and it produces unity — not discord and division.

Unfortunately, there’s a very disturbing movement that has grown exponentially in the past few years that has caused extreme discord and division in the Body of Messiah, and I would be remiss if I failed to mention it. There are influential pastors and teachers who would have us believe that the gifts of the Spirit can be procured by anyone who professes to be a follower of Jesus — as long as they’re willing to pay money to attend their ”School of Supernatural Ministry” in Redding, California; where their ”annointed” instructors claim to be able to teach spiritual techniques that can allegedly train people to prophesy; to heal people of infirmities and diseases, and a host of totally bazaar practices that have no precedent in Scripture whatsoever, and are in fact extremely deceptive and dangerous.

There is, however, a passage of Scripture that addresses something eerily similar to what I’m referring to, so I’ll let the Word speak for itself, and you can draw your own conclusions.

“But the believers who were scattered preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went. Philip, for example, went to the city of Samaria and told the people there about the Messiah. Crowds listened intently to Philip because they were eager to hear his message and see the miraculous signs he did. Many evil spirits were cast out, screaming as they left their victims. And many who had been paralyzed or lame were healed. So there was great joy in that city.

A man named Simon had been a sorcerer there for many years, amazing the people of Samaria and claiming to be someone great. Everyone, from the least to the greatest, often spoke of him as “the Great One—the Power of God.” They listened closely to him because for a long time he had astounded them with his magic.

But now the people believed Philip’s message of Good News concerning the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ. As a result, many men and women were baptized. Then Simon himself believed and was baptized. He began following Philip wherever he went, and he was amazed by the signs and great miracles Philip performed.

When the apostles in Jerusalem heard that the people of Samaria had accepted God’s message, they sent Peter and John there. As soon as they arrived, they prayed for these new believers to receive the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit had not yet come upon any of them, for they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then Peter and John laid their hands upon these believers, and they received the Holy Spirit.

When Simon saw that the Spirit was given when the apostles laid their hands on people, he offered them money to buy this power. “Let me have this power, too,” he exclaimed, “so that when I lay my hands on people, they will receive the Holy Spirit!”

But Peter replied, “May your money be destroyed with you for thinking God’s gift can be bought! You can have no part in this, for your heart is not right with God. Repent of your wickedness and pray to the Lord. Perhaps he will forgive your evil thoughts, for I can see that you are full of bitter jealousy and are held captive by sin.”

“Pray to the Lord for me,” Simon exclaimed, “that these terrible things you’ve said won’t happen to me!”

(Acts 8:4-24)

Being a musician and an apologist, I’ll leave you with an analogy most people could relate to.

If you’ve been listening to one of your favorite songs for many years without realizing it wasn’t the original version — and then someone comes along and plays the original version by the person who wrote it, it might sound very different to you, because you’ve grown accustomed to the version your ears are used to hearing. You might not even like the original version because it lacks some of the embellishments you associate with the song.

That’s often how it is with Bible teachers who teach false doctrines. You’ve become accustomed to their interpretation of Scripture, which is often far removed from sound, Biblical theology. But you like that particular pastor and teacher, and when you hear someone else teaching sound theology that contradicts what you’ve been taught, it sounds strange to you. You might even become angry and defensive and reject sound doctrine simply because you’ve been taught something else, it’s what you’re used to, and that’s what you prefer.

But that’s a very dangerous position to take, and is clearly in opposition to what the Bible teaches concerning how we should respond to false teachings and the people who promote them.

We are admonished to avoid them and expose them. (Romans 16:17:18; Philippians 3:17-19; 2 Timothy 2:15-18; Titus 3:10-11, 2 Peter 2:1-3)

There is certainly a difference between how we’re to approach primary, essential doctrines; and secondary, peripheral doctrines. The former should always be protected and defended; the latter should be allowed more latitude, and oftentimes aren’t worth arguing or fighting over.

Concerning aberrant teachings, heterodox teachings, heretical teachings, and outright blasphemous teachings (which, tragically, are more prevalent than you might think), we should make every attempt to correct those teachers in the hope that they will see the error in their teaching and publicly renounce it. That’s the Biblical model we are to follow, regardless of how nice the teacher is or how much you may like them personally.

“Let God be true, and every man a liar.” (Romans 3:4)

© 2021 Steven Mark

From “More Books and Things …”

While wondering what the difference is between a heresy hunter and a watchman on the wall, I decided to find examples of hunters and watchmen in the Bible. (I use to search and study, with KJV, ESV or NASB versions)

Bible Examples of a Hunter:

I’m guessing that hunting became the thing to do shortly after the flood, when animals turned wild as God put the fear and dread of man in every beast of the earth, and gave every moving thing for meat (Genesis 9). There are only a few verses here and there about hunting, like “the slothful man (who) roasteth not that which he took in hunting” (Pro 12:27), and a parent’s counsel to a son to deliver himself from “the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler” (Proverbs 6:5). As for hunters, I could only find the names of two in the Bible.

And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. Genesis 10: 8-9

Nimrod, great grandson of Noah, was the very first hunter mentioned in the Bible, and we all know what he turned out to be. His name means ‘rebel’, and that is what he was. Nimrod built the tower of Babel and eventually founded Babylon, later used by God to judge his rebellious people, the spirit of which still lives on.

And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents. And Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat of his venison Gen 25:27-28

Esau’s hunting and savory venison got him into a stew. It’s why he lost his birthright.

To simplify, according to the above verses, a hunter could be mighty or cunning. His hand was also something to be delivered from. The lazy hunter ate his steak raw. Even a mighty hunter before God can rebel against Him. One can become so focused on the hunt that one misses out on a blessing.

Bible Examples of a Watchman:

There are a few more watchmen mentioned in the Bible than hunters.

Finish  HERE 

By Rick Becker  


Scripture warns us that in the last days some will depart from the faith, and be deceived by evil spirits and teachings of demons. Those who teach false doctrines are not on the fringes of christianity, they are in the center in the form of the Evangelical Industrial Complex.  Bethel, Hillsong and other NAR “churches” have infested the visible church like gangrene.  Those who are saved from this deception, try to warn their friends and family still caught up in the quagmire of celebrity teachers and false doctrines.  When we warn them of the precarious position they are in, they usually resort to arguments we are all familiar with. This post deals with some of those questions.

Do you know them personally ?

It is not necessary to know figures such as Brian Houston or Bill Johnson personally to test their teachings.  Those of us who come out of these churches know what it takes to work your way up the hierarchical structure in order to “get to know them personally.”  Have they taken the time to get to know the people whose faith has been shipwrecked due to their teachings?  Do they care that their sponsored posts reach millions of naive and biblically illiterate people?  Not content with shepherding their own congregations,  these hirelings spread their doctrines with impunity.  They are not contributing to the body of Christ, but building their own empire.

Their teachings are in print, on social media, in the public domain and therefore open to public scrutiny.  It is their teachings we examine and compare to the word of God – as instructed in scripture.  If the apostle Paul’s teachings were compared to scripture, why give modern day apostles a pass?
“Now these Jews were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so”
Acts 17:11

 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.” 1 John 4:1-2

Have you approached them directly ?


Finish article HERE

By Marsha West

(Marsha West – Christian Research Network)  Sadly, “Christian” book sellers line their shelves with books that are clearly unbiblical. Books that put a positive spin on New Age spirituality, Eastern mysticism, LGBTQ+ issues and so forth are available through online Christian outlets as well as their brick and mortar stores. I think it’s safe to say that pseudo-Christian publishing houses has to be one of if not the largest suppliers of outright heresy that exists today.  Oddly, these organizations and the outlets that distribute for them are responsible (or should I say irresponsible) for much of the apostasy we’re witnessing in the visible Church. This is principally because these money-making enterprises offer false teachers a platform for spreading really really bad theology. As an example, folks shopping for something as important as a Bible will find one in every color, shape and size.  That in and of itself is fine.  But they’ll also find Bibles offering translations that supposedly are “accurate” “up-to- date” and “easy to read.”  I say supposedly because many Bible translations are highly unorthodox and unfit for Christian consumption. Tragically, it’s the unorthodox Bibles and other reading material that lead undiscerning souls into false teaching.

Visit just about any Christian bookstore (CB) and you’ll see display cases and shelves stocked with spiritual merchandise, to include jewelry, figurines, framed pictures, greeting cards, calendars, posters, music – you name it, CB’s carry it. I am sure they would argue that Christians who visit their establishment want these types of items and selling them helps them remain in business.  That might be true, but this excuse wears thin when one examines the books on their shelves.  In some stores advertised as Christian, a large number of books do not hold to the fundamentals of the faith. What people need to come to grips with is that even Christian publishing houses turn out books chock-full of heresy. If this were not true, then books that teach Word of Faith theology, more commonly known as the prosperity gospel (positive confession, health & wealth, name-it-and-claim-it) would never have seen the light of day much less flooded the market as they have. Over the years discerning Christian’s concerns about what’s being marketed have met deaf ears. Publishers, store owners and even books sold inside churches have made big bucks off books that were inspired by the devil himself.

The Message Bible

Eugene Peterson’s The Message: The New Testament in Contemporary English sold 100,000 copies in the first four months after its release. The so-called Bible was printed by Christian publishing house NavPress. In Peterson’s introduction to The Message, he writes “This version of the New Testament in a contemporary idiom keeps the language of the Message fresh and understandable in the same language in which we do our shopping, talk with our friends, worry about world affairs, and teach our children their table manners….”

According to Ken Silva of Apprising Ministries:

Eugene Peterson is a devotee of the corrupt  Contemplative Spirituality/Mysticism spewed by Living Spiritual Teacher  and Quaker mystic, Richard Foster, and his spiritual twin SBC minister, Dallas Willard, and their spurious Spiritual Formation.


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The Narrow Path

Escaping the grips of deception while discovering His way life and truth.

Glimpses of My Testimony: Part 3

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it”. ~Matthew 7:13-14

If I only knew how much these words would define my life.  As soon as I said yes to writing a book, this scripture literally showed up everywhere. “Fine, I got it God”! So The Narrow Path would be the title to my book. But at the time I didn’t understand the magnitude of just how narrow that path would become. It was a miracle, an absolute miracle that I had been saved from such a web of lies, but I never expected to find it in the church. Understand this…..there is a false gospel, and a different Jesus. That same new age version of Jesus exists in a growing movement known as the New Apostolic Reformation. It is a mystical miracle movement that seeks to bring back office of Apostle and prophet who receive new revelation. God’s word has merely become a side dish, instead of the main course. The NAR is rapidly growing, and will deceive many. 

“Be assured there is nothing new in theology except that which is false”~ C.H. Spurgeon


Growing up I was always attracted to the mystical. I had various supernatural experiences that led me down a very dangerous path. Fast forward to my early twenties, and I became very involved with yoga and Eastern spirituality. I thought I could just combine Jesus with my practice of yoga and mysticism. I considered myself a Christian mystic. At a certain point in my life I began questioning my spirituality, and seeking to discover who Jesus truly was. As I began to pray to God for answers I had a kundalini awakening that felt blissful at first, but quickly turned into a nightmare, and I became depressed and suicidal. This all became part of God’s plan to shine His light upon the darkness. Having the scales removed from my eyes completely dissolved my view of truth. But I knew that I must leave all behind and follow Jesus.

As I began trying out churches I found myself bored and wanting more. Eventually I felt led to attend a small church close to my house. The first time I heard the pastor preach it was powerful! He was charismatic, and such a great speaker. As time went on, I absolutely loved this church! Everyone there always showered me with such love. It was just what my soul was thirsty for. I remember the first time attending a monthly event called ‘Friday Flow’. It was a spontaneous night of worship, where people could just flow in the spirit. There would be repetitive type worship songs, and prayer to induce  a meditative type state and change the atmosphere. People there would flow in the holy Spirit and have visions and prophecy. I felt completely changed and renewed. As I sat observing and quietly praying, I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit encompass my entire being; a warm blanket of peace surrounded me. In an instant I felt my heart soften, and realized for the first time the love of the Father. That was the night I completely gave my life to Christ, and changed dramatically.

I immediately noticed huge changes in myself, and would dive into God’s word, and fast from food. I was trying desperately to get to know my savior. The Lord was with me during this time, but I had no idea how much some of these intense feelings of love would fade. This was a confusing time for me, as I was also going through intense spiritual warfare after my baptism. One thing I always seemed to notice was every time at our Friday flow meetings, and after I would experience the “presence”, I would feel very oppressed. I chalked this up to spiritual warfare, and thought the demons were mad that I was experiencing God. Currently, I’m not too sure that was the case; perhaps I was opening myself up to warfare by engaging in mystical practices. Now I did experience things that could only be from God, but I started to question the manifesting of the environment. I now understand conjuring up a presence, and getting into a trance like state is nothing more than sorcery.

Finish HERE 

Why is the book of Enoch not in the Bible? NOTES

by Allen Gosser
Is it Scripture?

Is this the Holy-Spirit inspired word of God? This is where we can pretty confidently say “no”. If it were Scripture, we would expect it to be free of false doctrine. What we find instead is that false doctrine is one of the most prevalent themes in the book!
Taking a cursory look at the text up through Chapter 59, At the following false doctrines. (I may be off on one here or there, but it should be sufficient to get my point across.)

1:1 Implies restoration during tribulation – not congruent with scriptures.
1:8 In conflict with the doctrine that peace was made at the cross. Also, in the last days tribulation will increase for the righteous – this “verse” seems to dispute that.
2:2-3 Appears to contradict 2 Pet 3:3-7
5:4 Is an admonition to some unknown party – this is very irregular relative to the scriptures (i.e. authentic ancient writings by God-fearing Jews)
6:3 Semjaza seems to be listed as the leader of the angels, which is not scriptural
6:3,8 None of these angels are mentioned in the Bible
8:1 Azazel isn’t even listed in 6:8 as one of the angels that fornicated with women
8:3 Araqiel and Shamsiel aren’t listed in 6:8 either
10:2 Enoch allegedly wrote about Noah, even though the Bible teaches that Enoch was taken up to heaven years before Noah was born.
10:4-6,12 Implies angels can be bound & hid in holes under rocks. This is contrary to scripture.
10:8 Ascribes all the sin of the fallen angels to one named Azazel – not scriptural.
10:15-11:2 Seems to imply that permanent restoration took place after the flood – clearly not true. It seems the true author of this book confused scriptures pertaining to the future restoration.
13:5-6,14:4-5,7 Implies fallen angels can’t talk to God – this contradicts Job. Also implies that angels were repentant, but weren’t received back by God – very strange doctrine.
14 Gives a very strange description of Heaven that conflicts with many scriptures
15:8-10 Very strange doctrine about “evil spirits” proceeding from unredeemable giants
17-18,21,23 Gives a very strange description of the earth & universe which is clearly not true. Also alludes to the ancient model of astronomy that held that there were 7 stars (the closest planets) which burned like the sun (they don’t.)
19:3 Discredits all other prophecy about the consumation of the ages.
20 Lists strange angels not in scripture, and incorrectly assigns the roles of Michael (the warrior) and Gabriel (the messenger)
21:7-10 Seems to contradict Biblical descriptions of the present & final judgement places for the fallen angels
22 Contradicts the Biblical descriptions of past, present & future dwelling places for the righteous who die
32:2-6 Seems to imply the Garden of Eden was still in existance after the Flood
33:1-2 Says Heaven rests on a foundation that is at the Eastern edge of the earth
33:3 He claims he counted the stars & individually mapped them, which is impossible scripturally (& scientifically)
34 Says the winds come out of a “portal” at the Northern edge of the earth
36:3 Says the stars come out of portals at the Eastern edge of the earth & move West
38:5-6 Contradicts Daniel & other prophecies about the Mellinial Reign
39:1-2 Very strange implications here about the “seed” of angels dwelling with men at the end… this contradicts the scriptures
40:7 Talks about the “Satans” – plural, different than the Bible, who gives that name to only one fallen angel. Also, implies Satan can’t stand in God’s presence, contrary to Job.
40:9 Once again mixes up the roles of the 2 Archangels & adds more names in. Michael’s role in scripture is related to conquoring nations & fighting spiritual wars, while Gabriel’s relates to bringing messages & visions to people.
41:1-2 Says the Kingdom of God is divided – it’s not & can’t be scripturally. Also describes sinners being repelled from a mansion, which is also not scriptural, unless you look at a parable Jesus told, which was not intended to be literal.
41:4-5 Says the sun, moon, winds, etc. are stored in chambers & released at appointed times.
41:6-7 Implies the sun & moon move opposite of each other
43:1-3,44 Very weird model of the nature of stars & lightning
47:4 Says God requires the blood of the saints… very strange
51:1 Says Sheol & Hell will give back to the earth, which isn’t scriptural – also Hell is a NT term, not OT
51:2 Disputes the Biblical doctrine that we are chosen. (We don’t have to wait until Christ’s return to be chosen.) This isn’t scriptural.
General: Seems to imply Enoch came back down to earth after being taken up to Heaven, which is not scriptural.


I think Paul’s words are very pertinent here:
As I urged you upon my departure for Macedonia, remain on at Ephesus so that you may instruct certain men not to teach strange doctrines, nor to pay attention to myths and endless genealogies, which give rise to mere speculation rather than furthering the administration of God which is by faith. But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. For some men, straying from these things, have turned aside to fruitless discussion, wanting to be teachers of the Law, even though they do not understand either what they are saying or the matters about which they make confident assertions.


1. the Old and New Testaments — all 66 books — are inspired by God. Additionally, the apostles recognized these books as inspired by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21 2 Timothy 3:16). All others, including the book of Enoch, were rejected as not having been inspired by the Holy Spirit.
2. The book of Enoch is not in harmony with the rest of Scripture. Here are some examples:
a. The story of angels having sex with women contradicts Jesus’ saying in Matthew 22:30: “For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels of God in heaven” (Mat 22:30 NKJV). This means angels are not sexual beings.
b. Eighteen of these angels are listed by name in Enoch 6:3, 8; their leader is Semyaz. Not one of these names appears in the Bible. The giants they produce were 450 feet tall (Enoch 7:2). “These [giants] consumed the produce of all the people until the people detested feeding them. So the giants turned against [the people] in order to eat them” (7:3, 4). This is rather fanciful and against Scripture.
c. In Enoch 10:4, 5, “The Lord said to Raphael [a good angel] ‘Bind Azaz’el [an evil angel] hand and foot [and] throw him into the darkness!’ And he made a hole in the desert which was in Duda’el and cast him there; he threw on top of him rugged and sharp rocks.” According to Enoch, you can bind angels by throwing them into a hole in the desert.
d. In chapter 13, Enoch intercedes for Azaz’el.
e. In Enoch 15:9 evil spirits came out of the bodies of the giants.
“Many more fanciful and weird stories are contained in the book,” These are some reasons why it was never considered as inspired by the Holy Spirit.”

The biblical book of Jude quotes from the Book of Enoch in verses 14-15, “Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men: ‘See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones to judge everyone, and to convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly acts they have done in the ungodly way, and of all the harsh words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.’” But this does not mean the Book of Enoch is inspired by God and should be in the Bible.

Jude’s quote is not the only quote in the Bible from a non-biblical source. The Apostle Paul quotes Epimenides in Titus 1:12 but that does not mean we should give any additional authority to Epimenides’ writings. The same is true with Jude, verses 14-15. Jude quoting from the book of Enoch does not indicate the entire Book of Enoch is inspired, or even true. All it means is that particular verse is true. It is interesting to note that no scholars believe the Book of Enoch to have truly been written by the Enoch in the Bible. Enoch was seven generations from Adam, prior to the Flood (Genesis 5:1-24). Evidently, though, this was genuinely something that Enoch prophesied – or the Bible would not attribute it to him, “Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about these men…” (Jude 14). This saying of Enoch was evidently handed down by tradition, and eventually recorded in the Book of Enoch.

We should treat the Book of Enoch (and the other books like it) in the same manner we do the other Apocryphal writings. Some of what the Apocrypha says is true and correct, but at the same time, much of it is false and historically inaccurate. If you read these books, you have to treat them as interesting but fallible historical documents, not as the inspired, authoritative Word of God.

The Bible, as we have it today, consists of sixty-six books. The fact that these books belong as Holy Scripture is confirmed by the testimony of Jesus Christ.
First, with regard to the Old Testament we have the testimony of Jesus to the existing books. He confirmed the accepted three-fold division of our canonical books.
These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me (Luke 24:44).
The Promise of Jesus
As far as the New Testament is concerned, we have the promise of Jesus.
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you (John 14:26).
Though we do not have His guarantee after the fact, we have this promise that a New Testament would be given. Thus, we have Jesus “pre-authenticating” the New Testament.
Nature of God
Another reason we can be assured the correct books in the Bible is the nature of God. It has been estimated there are a quintillion stars in the universe and the Bible says God calls them by their names. If God is able to do this, He certainly is able to preserve intact His Word for the benefit of mankind.
Since we have the testimony of Jesus that God preserved the Old Testament for His people, we can also be assured that God took the same care in preserving the New Testament books. When the evidence is examined, we find it consistent and credible.


DiscernIt receives many personal inquiries from those who have fallen into hopelessness. The cause often stems from chasing religious experiences. Many sincerely are seeking Jesus and want to serve Him but are deceived by a host of false prophets. These men and women were never called to teach or pastor yet many follow them. They cause much suffering among God’s people because their offerings are NOT from God.

The working of the Holy Spirit is to conform one to the image of Christ which in turn will produce fruit of the Spirit. There is no shortcut. You need to get back into the written Word and let your mind be renewed. Put the lies behind you.

Please read:

Looking to Jesus.
Hebrews 12:2

It is always the Holy Spirit’s work to turn our eyes away from self to Jesus. But Satan’s work is just the opposite; he is constantly trying to make us look at ourselves instead of Christ. He insinuates, “Your sins are too great for pardon; you have no faith; you do not repent enough; you will never be able to continue to the end; you do not have the joy of His children; you have such a wavering hold on Jesus.” All these are thoughts about self, and we will never find comfort or assurance by looking within.

But the Holy Spirit turns our eyes entirely away from self: He tells us that we are nothing, but that Christ is everything. Remember, therefore, it is not your hold of Christ that saves you–it is Christ; it is not your joy in Christ that saves you–it is Christ; it is not even faith in Christ, although that is the instrument–it is Christ’s blood and merits.

Therefore, do not look so much to your hand with which you are grasping Christ as to Christ; do not look to your hope but to Jesus, the source of your hope; do not look to your faith, but to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of your faith.

We will never find happiness by looking at our prayers, our deeds, or our feelings; it is what Jesus is, not what we are, that gives rest to the soul. If we are to overcome Satan and have peace with God, it must be by “looking to Jesus.”

Keep your eye simply on Him; let His death, His sufferings, His merits, His glories, His intercession be fresh upon your mind. When you waken in the morning look to Him; when you lie down at night look to Him. Do not let your hopes or fears come between you and Jesus; follow hard after Him, and He will never fail you.

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness:
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

Devotional material is taken from “Morning and Evening,” written by C.H. Spurgeon,

May 2024



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  • 1,780,066 hits


I do not ask or want donations for this blog. God supplies all I need to share His Word and His Way of Salvation. Revelation 21:6 says, “..I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. “