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There are many who are very intrigued with the mysticism that  has been entering the church. I have heard it said, I need and desire the mystical side of faith.   Where does it say in the Bible that we are to understand the mysteries of God and the universe? Why is it that some need to go outside scripture to “get the feeling”, or to have an “experience”?  There is a good reason…It is difficult to create a euphoric bliss, a new ministry, or create a new following on revelation of the scripture alone.  Therefore, we have a “new gospel”, for those who do not get enough sensations or feeling from reading the Bible or worshiping God in a traditional manner.

A social gospel is being taught, and this gospel promotes a god of love and prosperity. The problem is…….without  truly following Christ by repenting, and picking up a cross daily, your spiritual life will be void of any true regeneration. 

I watched a special on GODTV last New Years Eve’s featuring Mike Bickle at IHOP.  He was teaching young people at a huge conference. It hit me while watching that he was just all talk and had absolutely no substance. Over and over again he was telling these young people to Live For the Lord and to be Holy, Holy, Holy. But he did not give any scripture. Without scripture and the Holy Spirit, these young boys and girls were doomed to fail.  When people fail in love, have no control over sin in their life, and have not the joy in times of trouble…..they become discouraged and may turn away from the Lord. It is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that we can be holy.  We have no righteousness of our own.

These are the ones who may need to reach out into an unknown mystical world for a spiritual “fix”.  Gnosticism provides this spiritual fix.  

First, let’s take a look at early Gnosticism. It was introduced into the first two centuries of the church and taught that the spirit was good and matter was evil. Therefore, to be saved was to be freed from the body which was deemed evil.  To be freed from this slavery, one needed the special “knowledge” (gnosis). This eliminated the need for the cross and a savior.  Today, much of this can be seen today…Man’s salvation is not by faith in God but rather, in the special, mystical knowledge than one can learn  by experience. This experience or enlightenment is a key word in New Age religion.

This heresy flourished in the 2nd and 3rd century and the gnostics claimed to still be Christians.  Please read this paragraph from a gnostic site that has a definition of Gnostic Christianity.

“A Gnostic is a person who believes that salvation is gained through the acquisition of divine knowledge or gnosis..When gnostics speak of salvation, they mean being freed from these illusions of darkness so that they can perceive Reality. Gnostic Christians have commenced following a Path of never ending increase in Knowledge, Enlightenment, Power, Peace, and every Divine Attribute. They are led along this Path by those disciples who have preceded them, a chain of initiates going back to Jesus himself.”

A spiritual fix…..What is it in the above sentence that may appeal to someone looking for spirituality?  Divine Knowledge perhaps?  Who doesn’t want to be in on a secret…Who doesn’t want to be part of an elite group…Is it Power? Hasn’t power corrupted men over and over again.  To be powerful is to be over and above others. To be in charge or at the “Head of the Table”     Ah, Divine….Divinity is self-consciousness, to find the Divine Spark within himself. Godhood. One can attain a spiritual fix by experiencing an emotional outpouring or is it “in-pouring”, of supposedly godly manifestations. 

Also I was interested to find out what the Path was. Here is what I found:

 The Mystic Christ
by Ethan Walker III

The light of non-duality and the path of love according to the life and teachings of Jesus. The Gnostic path is the inner path to God-realization. Buddha, Krishna, Jesus and the other great Masters are all one and in essence taught the same thing.

Meditation is the means by which the individual may achieve direct union with God. In order to attain this gnosis, one must first fully understand the mind. All through our lives, we have grown accustomed to indirect experiences.

See how Jesus Christ is grouped with Buddha and Krishna? Jesus Christ is the Son of God and here He is reduced to a great master. Another heresy is that they “taught the same thing”?  Unfortunately, Gnostic trends were never totally eliminated and have always been filtering into the church and of late have exploded and taken a stronghold. Meditation is added to assure that one can reach God directly. What happened to prayer? 

Have you heard any of these phrases lately?

LatterRain, Overcomers, Manifest Sons of God, Universal Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, A New Breed, The Anointed, The New Prophets, New Order, A Harvets of a Billion Souls,  A New Thing, or Spiritual Warfare. This is but a thimble in a pool of phrases. Lingo is created in certain ministries to numb the mind of the believer. When jargon is heard over  and over again, one ceases to question it.  This is a huge issue in these end times, because the Bible teaches of end-time deception and if you do not know the Word of God, and study it in context, relying on the KJV, you may be easily deceived.

Most of these phrases come out of the LatterRain influence, and out of LatterRain we have Word-of-Faith, The New Apostolic Reformation, and Dominionism.  Because we  hear and read these phrases that are being used readily today, we know that Gnosticism is alive and well and is currently at work destroying the true Christian faith.  If you hear these or similar phrases in your church then you need to do some research.

So Gnosticism has many names. From it flows the Rosicrucian Order and from it Freemasonry. All is a basis for New Age thought and religion. I know that many cringe at the thought that some churches today may truly be involved in New Age religion, but sadly it is so.   Theosophy’s main goal was to infiltrate the church with Eastern mysticism and this is being accomplished.

According to Theosophist Alice Bailey, (she was a channeler) the Church is being used as merely a part of an overall plan to bring in world peace, world domination and to set up the “Kingdom on Earth”. This kingdom is not a godly kingdom. This kingdom belongs to Satan.

2Ti 3:1But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days.

2Ti 3:2People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,

2Ti 3:3without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good,

2Ti 3:4treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God–

2Ti 3:5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.

So if you are falling into the trap of Warrens Peace Plan, Wagner’s Apostolic Reformation, or IHOP’s Joel’s Army, you are furthering the plans of the “enlightened” ones. Is this what you are doing?  If so, then you are not following Jesus Christ.  He told us in the Beatitudes to: Mourn over our sinful nature, to be meek, to hunger and thirst for righteousness, and that we will be persecuted because of Him.  Can this be any more opposite than the Gnostic gospel of  self-deity?

So if you are in need of a spiritual “fix”.  Get down on your knees, confess your sin, repent and turn away from sin.